More cuteness upcoming and more flip-flops!

Well it’s been a busy week.  I’ve had a massive order of baby flip-flops to fulfil.  The customer wanted 5 flowers on each of 4 pairs of flip-flops!  That equated to 40 flowers but I’ll tell you what…. It was worth it in the end.  I’m sure you’ll agree (scroll down!).  Also I’m working on a new addition to our line of products.  It’s top secret at the moment but I’ll tell you you’ll go squee with the cuteness of them 😉  Thanks to Heather Young for the link!  Stay tuned for more info.  I’ll leave you with yet another showcase of flip-flops.  These were limited edition 5 flower flip-flops.  Tata for now, speak soon!


Navy flowers on white sandals

Red and white flowers on navy sandals

Pink flowers on white sandals

Pink and lilac flowers on white sandals.

*Sandal patterns available on Etsy and Craftsy!

A Showcase of Baby Sandals

So as summer reaches it’s height, orders for the Giggle and Squeak baby sandals start to tail off.  As I start to think about this winter’s catalogue, I decided to showcase the sandals that have been sent out for purchase this year!  So without further ado, here they are:



And so concludes the showcase!  If you’re interested in a pair of these and don”t crochet yourself, either get in contact using the contact form provided in the menu, or visit our Etsy shop!  If you do crochet you can find our patterns via the Knots in Heartstrings Ravelry shop.

Thanks for looking!