Road Trip Scarf Back Border Tutorial

After a few requests to do the road trip scarf boarder tutorial for the scarf by Zooty Owl, I did it and the front boarder tutorial can be found here.

But the back boarder is a different matter.  So here’s another tutorial to show you how to tackle this.  I work in UK terms so when I say treble I mean a US Double.

I added a treble crochet to the mix here as I think it gives a better look to the boarder but if you wish to stick to the original pattern just do two trebles for each shell.

First up…














Reach the end of the front boarder row and do two trebles in the end space….














Two more trebles in the end space….














As for front boarder, chain 5, remove yarn from hook, insert hook from front to back through next post space, re attache yarn and pull through…..















Three treble crochet in the next post space.  Repeat from chain 5.

Hope this helps more people finish off their road trip scarves.  Any problems please use the contact form at the top of the page to contact me!

Happy hooking!

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